Animal Training and Bonds

There are 5 ranks of bonding that a character may have with an animal. A character may increase the bonds rank as part of a Long Rest Primary Activity. Animals start with 3 Hit Dice and gain additional hit dice as they bond with their owner.

Rank 1: Adds one additional HD. 

Rank 2: Adds one additional HD. +1 to Animal Handling with this animal.

Rank 3: Adds one additional HD. +2 to Animal Handling with this animal. Gain Skilled animal property.

Rank 4: Adds one additional HD. +4 to Animal Handling with this animal.

Rank 5: Adds one additional HD. Gain one animal property of your choice.

Animal Properties

Enduring: This animal's needs cost half as much as normal when paying for a journey.

Intrepid: This animal cannot be frightened unless it has the bloodied or exhausted condition.

Flyer: This animal has a flight speed. Not selectable at Rank 5 bonding.

Swimmer: This animal has a swim speed. Not selectable at Rank 5 bonding.

Attacker: You may forgo an attack on your turn to command this animal to make an attack against a target within range.

Grappler: You may forgo an attack on your turn to command this animal to make a grapple attempt against a target within range.

Skilled: Your pet has a bonus equal to your bonding level with a skill.

Favored Terrain: This animal does not suffer from non-magical difficult terrain in their favored terrain.

Tough: This animal gains an additional +2 hit points per bonding level.

Messenger: This animal can deliver a short written message to a distant location in 1/4th the time and may return with a reply.

Armored: Armor worn by this animal may be treated as if it was one size smaller.

Name: Bird, Hawk

Price: 50 Silver Size: Small Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 2 Bulk: 6 Properties: Skilled, Attacker

Name: Bird, Raven

Price: 50 Silver Size: Small Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 2 Bulk: 6 Properties: Skilled, Messenger

Name: Camel

Price: 50 Silver Size: Large Hit Die: d10 Speed: 50 ft.

Slots: 28 Bulk: 40 Properties: Enduring, Favored Terrain (Desert)

Name: Dog, Mastiff

Price: 25 Silver Size: Medium Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 19 Bulk: 20 Properties: Skilled, Skilled (Perception)

Name: Dog, Shepard

Price: 25 Silver Size: Medium Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 20 Bulk: 20 Properties: Skilled, Grappler

Name: Dog, Wolfdog

Price: 25 Silver Size: Medium Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 20 Bulk: 20 Properties: Attacker, Intrepid

Name: Donkey/Mule

Price: 8 Silver Size: Medium Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 26 Bulk: 20 Properties: Enduring, Skilled (Athletics)

Name: Elephant

Price: 200 Silver Size: Huge Hit Die: d12 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 54 Bulk: 80 Properties: Tough, Tough

Name: Horse, Draft

Price: 50 Silver Size: Large Hit Die: d10 Speed: 50 ft.

Slots: 30 Bulk: 40 Properties: Tough, Enduring

Name: Horse, Riding

Price: 75 Silver Size: Large Hit Die: d10 Speed: 60 ft.

Slots: 25 Bulk: 40 Properties: Enduring

Name: Horse, Warhorse

Price: 400 Silver Size: Large Hit Die: d10 Speed: 60 ft.

Slots: 26 Bulk: 40 Properties: Intrepid, Armored

Name: Pony

Price: 30 Silver Size: Medium Hit Die: d8 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 20 Bulk: 20 Properties: Skilled

Name: Ram

Price: 50 Silver Size: Large Hit Die: d10 Speed: 40 ft.

Slots: 28 Bulk: 40 Properties: Favored Terrain (Mountain), Attacker