The Astrikan Standard

In the heart of the Astrikan palace lies an ancient chamber, its walls adorned with art depicting scenes from tales of commerce and wealth. Here, resting atop a pedestal of polished marble, reside three revered artifacts known as "The Grand Three." Crafted from the purest of their respective metals, these sacred spheres embody the very essence of the worldwide currency.

Chief among them is "The Grand First." Cast from gold, its radiance symbolizes prosperity and opulence, greed and desire. Beside it stands "The Grand Second," a shimmering testament to the enduring value and universality of silver. And finally, completing the trinity, is "The Grand Third," forged from the humble yet essential metal of copper, the metal which makes up the coin of the working class.

These three spheres, each weighing the equivalent of 100 coins of their respective metals, serve as the cornerstone of the Astrikan Standard. Here the trust and stability of nations is measured in weights and balances. For every golden coin, perfectly minted and adorned with the dominions stamp, there exists an intrinsic tie to The Grand First - it is one hundreth of this artifact both in principle and practice.

The influence of The Grand Three extends far beyond the marble halls of Astrika. Across distant lands and bustling cities, merchants and traders rely on these sacred weights to ensure fairness and integrity in their dealings. Lead counterweights, meticulously crafted by Astrikan smiths are set to match the divine proportions of The Grand Three percicely to ensure the economy is stable and reliable in it's currency. Scales such as these can be found in ports, banks, and marketplaces throughout the world.

Yet, amidst the grandeur of this large scale economic order, the common man relies on a simpler truth. In the quiet corners of small towns and rural hamlets, the reliance on exact measurements is too time consuming and trust in the standard stretches beyond the bank. Here, amidst the chatter of market vendors and the clinking of coins, is a more practical approach to trading where transactions are sealed with a handshake and a knowing nod and an inplicit agreement, for in the end, the true value of wealth lies not in gold or silver, but in the trust and integrity of those who trade it.


The elusive currency known as Electrum holds a place of unparalleled value within the shadowy realms of the underworld. Unlike conventional coins, Electrum derives its worth not from precious metals or governmental backing, but from the clandestine machinations of the syndicates and underworld figures that traffic in its trade. 

At the heart of Electrum's mystique lies the enigmatic faction known as The Brokerage, a small shadowy sect of accountants who wield control over its circulation. Through the arcane art of runic magic, these brokers mint Electrum coins that are impervious to counterfeiting and can be traced back to their source. Should the coins fall into the hands of authorities or be stollen, the broker severs their connection to the coin, rendering them mere iron trinkets. To protect their anonymity, brokers operate through trusted intermediaries, their identities shrouded in secrecy even from one another to avoid the retribution of both law and rival factions. Yet, despite their criminal affiliations, brokers adhere to strict codes of conduct, for betraying their oaths is said to have dire consequences.

The value of Electrum, much like it's brokers, eludes conventional measurement. Spoken of in whispers and riddles, it is said that each coin holds a value equivalent to one third of a mortal life—a philosophical notion that underscores its profound influence. It cannot be bought by gold but must be earned through actions. The taking of a life, the granting of access to concieled inventory, the keeping or telling of secrets may all be worth electrum.

In the realm of Electrum, transactions are not bound by fixed prices but by the power and influence wielded by those who traffic in its trade. A single coin can unlock doors to hidden worlds, purchase favors, or secure coveted objects of desire. Though its true worth may defy quantification, the sway of Electrum within its accepted domains is undeniable and possession of the coin allows one to see a world within a world and reap it's rewards. To be without it, is to be denied these things in their entirety.