The Brokerage

In which commoners might conspiratorily refer to as "the underworld", there exists an enigmatic organization shrouded in mystery and whispered rumors—The Brokerage. Widely regarded as one of the most potent forces in the world, yet equally questioned by skeptics, the Brokerage is an assembly of unknown figures who wield unparalleled influence over the elusive currency known as Electrum.

At the heart of the Brokerage lies its silent guardians, The Brokers, black market accountants whose identities remain veiled in secrecy and whose selection process and motives are shrouded in uncertainty. Some believe that to be chosen as a Broker is a mark of unyielding integrity and immunity to corruption, while others contend that it is the realm of the most cunning and morally flexible individuals. Regardless of the truth, the impact of their presence is undeniable and their shadowy reach stretches far across the world of Ascalen.

The power of The Brokerage lies in its meticulous control over Electrum, the rare and potent currency that fuels the darker sides of society. With the trust in the backing of The Brokerage, Electrum gains its value, enabling access to the clandestine markets of assassins, thieves, smugglers, thieves, and dealers. Immutable and immune to forgery, Electrum holds sway as a symbol, not of wealth, but of ones belonging to this world within a world. Its transactions meticulously recorded within the cryptic pages of the Black Tome—a tome said to hold the secrets of every Electrum exchange.

The true nature of The Brokerage remains a subject of speculation and debate. Some believe it to be a decentralized network, with Brokers serving as the heads of disparate criminal organizations, while others insist on the existence of a singular, shadowy figure pulling the strings from the depths of obscurity. Yet, amidst the conjecture and uncertainty, one undeniable truth persists—the actions of The Brokerage shape the very fabric of Ascalen's underworld.

Assassin's blades are sharpened, deals are struck, and fortunes are made and lost—all under the watchful gaze of the unseen forces that govern Electrum in this world within a world.