Audemnic - Common

Audemnic, the world's most prevalent language, was propagated by The Dominion as a means of unifying the diverse cultures within their annexed territories. It is rooted in the native human language, Cantavish, but incorporates influences from elven, dwarven, and orcish tongues, reflecting the rich history of Audemn. Praised for its efficiency and precision, Audemnic's standardized form spread rapidly worldwide, facilitated by its elegantly simple structure and resistance to regional accents. Forced adoption by merchants seeking to utilize Audemnic banks further cemented its ubiquity, making it as universally employed as the realm's silver currency.

Cantavish - Human

Cantavish, originating from Catevandril, is the second most common language in Ascalen, spoken widely due to human migration. Known for its diverse range of dialects and accents, Cantavish varies from elegant enunciations with sharp, distinct words to regionally accented speech where words and phrases are tightly pressed together. It serves as the primary language in Ammersol and is prevalent throughout The Dominion, particularly in Catevandril, where it forms the foundation of Audemnic, the world's most dominant language.

 Ettaché - Language of Her Majesty

Ettaché (eh-tash-aye), the language of the Etrian Empire exudes elegance and refinement, characterized by its soft-spoken nature and poetic intricacies. Known for its melodic rhythm and precise meter, it weaves a tapestry of romance and artistry when spoken, emphasizing the importance of tone and tempo alongside the words themselves. Mastering this language proves challenging even for non-natives due to its cultural nuances and complexities, revered by the Etarian people as a symbol of pride and sophistication. While some may critique its perceived redundancy (it is said that "sad" has twenty-five synonyms), the language's depth allows for unparalleled poetic precision. Primarily spoken in the Etrian Empire and its colonies, it also finds use among the upper echelons of society, including nobility, merchants, and elite businessmen worldwide.

Tevaldii - Language of the Elves

Tevaldii (teh-val-dee), the language of the Elves, was the first language in recorded history and as such once flourished as the native language of Audemn before the dawn of The Dominion of Audemn. Renowned for its grace and mystique, Tevaldii endures as the language of arcane notations, cherished by scholars of the mystical arts. While it has faded from common usage among the major peoples, echoes of its lyrical cadence persist within scattered enclaves of diasporic Elves who cling fervently to it as a precious relic of their cultural legacy. Tevaldii remains a poignant reminder of the historical ages of the past.

Gelthies - Language of the Dwarves

Gelthies (gel-these), known as "The Language of Glowing Stones," stands as the sole remnant of the once flourishing Dwarven tongue, revered for its mystical ties to the earth's deep magic. Utilized within the confines of mountains, mines, and catacombs, it resonates with the essence of the world's hidden powers. Legend holds that its runic characters, when inscribed correctly, emit an ethereal glow, rendering them readable even in darkness. Though the languages pronunciation has faded into obscurity, the people of Gelth and scattered dwarven communities worldwide continue to preserve and practice this ancient language, keeping alive the written traditions of their ancestors.

Aritian - Language of the Orcs

Aritian (ah-ree-shun), the vibrant language of Ariahtch, evokes contrasting perceptions among outsiders and natives alike. While some may dismiss it as chaotic, complex, and boarderline pointless to learn given it's many dialects, those who call it their own perceive it as the epitome of beauty, history, and pride. Born from the convergence of countless dialects spoken by Orcish warlords and wandering tribes over eons, Ariahtch has evolved into a quickly spoken and fluid language of, poetry, emotion, and expression. Its rich collection of influences has given rise to hundreds of regional dialects, each as unique as the tribes that influenced them. For outsiders, navigating the intricacies of Ariahtch may seem daunting as to know but one dialect is to speak with only a single tribe, but for the Ariahtchi people, it is a testament to their broad interconnectedness and cultural richness despite their tribal independance in a land where learning the language of a neighbor tribe is akin to breaking bread, forging bonds of kinship and understanding.

Havastrian - Language of the Dragons

Havastrian (have-as-tree-an), the tongue of Havastra and its divine offspring, the Dra'kin, possesses an inherent enchantment that renders it both wondrous and taxing for mortal tongues to inscribe and to utter. Infused with the deep magic of words and names, the essence of Havastrian lies in the intent of its speaker, weaving into words an arcane understanding that transcends language barriers. Whether etched into ancient tomes or whispered upon the breeze, Havastrian's words are imbued with a mystical clarity that can be clearly understood by any whom they are intended, spanning from the intimate confines of a single soul to the boundless expanse of all throughout eternity. For to those unsought, comprehension remains elusive, nigh unknowable. Save for the rare arcane inquisitors who possess the time, knowledge, and power to unravel it's cryptic mysteries, Havasrian cannot be understood by any for whom it was not intended to be understood. While Havastrian ensures unwavering precision in communication, clearly conveying the meaning of it's authors message, it does not safeguard against the deceitful machinations of its wielders. This leaves the discernment of truth to the keen-eyed and insightful reciptient of these arcane messages.

Gnomatic - Language of the Small

Gnomaic, known as the "Language of the Small," embodies the straightforward and pragmatic nature of its native Gnomes and Halflings in Ammersol. Characterized by its brevity and efficiency, Gnomaic eschews unnecessary embellishments, favoring directness and clarity of facts spoken quickly. To speak the language slowly or to add more detail than is necessary to a statement is to be rude to your listener, not valuing their time. With its succinct vocabulary and concise syntax, Gnomaic proves to be a highly effective means of communication, reflecting the practical sensibilities of its speakers. 

Bolgo - Language of the Large

Aquan - Language of the Lakes

Syyva - Language of the Wood

Syyva (see-va), known as "The Language of the Wood," was once the sacred tongue of shamans, druids, and oracles among various native peoples across the world. Its usage spanned continents, displaying a consistent pattern despite the lack of a known historical rationale. However, with the decline of these spiritual practitioners, Syyva has fallen into disuse, surviving only in the form of isolated words, mantras, and rehearsed incantations by lingusts and the few remaining spiritual practitioners. Remarkably, Syyva is exclusively a spoken language, lacking any written form, further emphasizing its mystical and ephemeral nature.