Time in Ascalen - Overview

Time in Ascalen is tracked over the course of Years, Seasons (not months), Weeks, Days, Hours and Minutes.


The Ascalen Year (or cycle) consists of 4 seasons which collectively hold 500 days. The four seasons go by different names in different places but for simplicity we will relate them to our seasons with details below.


Bloomtide/Up Harvest/Spring: This season consists of 100 days and begins on day 1 of the calendar.

Sunweald/Mid Harvest/Summer: This season consists of 150 days and begins on day 101 of the calendar.

Withertide/Down Harvest/Autumn: This season consists of 100 days and begind on day 251 of the calendar.

Silverson/Moon Harvest/Winter: This season consists of 150 days and begins on day 351 of the calendar.

Weeks & Days

Weeks are tracked in sets of two five-day weeks, each leading up to the time where the ring around Ascale is at it's brightest or it's dimmest. These weeks are refered to as Heliarc, which tracks time from dark to light, and Skyshroud, which tracks light to dark. Weeks and Day's flow as follows:

Week (Helios - tracking dark to light)

Day 1 - Umbra

Day 2 - Penumbras

Day 3 - Dawnveil

Day 4 - Daycrest

Day 5 - Lumenrise

Week (Shyshroud - trackling light to dark)

Day 1 - Liodine

Day 2 - Lumenwane

Day 3 - Vesperlume

Day 4 - Duskveil

Day 5 - Penumbra

Lore Note: Time throughout the day mimics Earth with 24 hours in a day, 60 Minutes to the hour, seconds and so on. Due to technological limitations, most of Ascalen does not track time in increments smaller than days and half-days. Citizens of The Etarian, however, own timepieces far more regularly and keep them afixed to the Etarian monument, "La Tour d'Eternite" or the Tower of Eternity; a massive clocktower which keeps time infalliably. 


Universal Holidays

Spring Holidays

New Years Day - The first of Spring, also known as The Day of Renewal, is the first day of the new year. It is a day of looking back on the successes and mistakes of the previous year, planning for the next, and celebrating another year of life. It is also a day for marriage proposals.

Lore Note: Most cultures in Ascalen use The Day of Renewal as a marker for the age of an individual. When asking someone their age, rather than ask how many years they've completed, you are asking how many Renewal's they've seen. This means that children who are born on The Day of Renewal begin life as a 1 year old.

Nuptials Day - The 25th of Spring, Nuptial's Day, is a day of marriage between young couples. It is also a day of anniversary for those who are married. It is a day of celebration of love, union, and building a future.

Lore Note: Rather than track completed years, anniversaries are tracked by ongoing years. This means a couple who married on Nuptial's Day of this year will be celebrating their second year of marriage on Nuptial's Day of nexy year.

Day of Many Colors - The 26th of Spring, The Day of Color, is a celebration of new love, new life, and of children where grandparents and elders care for the young while the newly wed couples spend time together. It is a day of face paints, community painting and decorating, musical festivals, games and art.

Lore Note: Due to the cultural significance of this day; many children are born around the same time in late Audemn/Early Winter. This is a primary reason for the holiday Hearth Hold which gives new parents time to bond with and care for their newborns.

Weeks and Days