

Passive: Darkvision for 30ft, +1 Perception. 

Active: You perform a Rite over up to 4 other people. For the next minute each of them gains Darkvision for 30 feet.


Passive: +1 to Death Saving Throws

Active: You perform a Rite over a dying person tethering their soul to this world. The creature becomes stable.


Passive: +1 Nature, +1 Animal Handling

Active: You may perform a Rite releasing your inner wilds. For the next minute your unarmed attacks do 1d10 damage and you gain the Extra Attack feature. 


Passive: +1 History, +1 Calligraphy, +1 Persuasion

Active: You may perform a Rite to Elaria to increase your training by 1. 


Passive: +1 Blacksmithing, +1 Leatherworking, +1 Carpentry

Active: You may perform a Rite to Allurious over an item which prevents the next notch it would receive.


Passive: +1 Tinkering, +1 Alchemy, +1 Investigation

Active: You perform a Rite to Izzara over an item which prevents the next notch it would receive.


Passive: +1 Insight, +1 History, +1 Investigation

Active: You may perform a Rite to Krothyx, and are offered knowledge on a subject of your choice if there is knowledge to gain.


Passive: +1 Deception, +1 Stealth

Active: You may perform Rite, obscuring your face upon first glance. For the next day, those who know you may take you for a stranger and those who don't may not be able to recall your features.


Passive: +1 Intimidation, +1 Athletics, +1 Acrobatics

Active: Whenever you are critically hit you may use your reaction to perform a Rite to Viritor to take half damage from the attack.


Passive: +1 to Attack and Damage rolls.

Active:  You perform a Rite causing your next attack to be a critical hit. 


Passive: +1 to all saving throws.

Active: You may perform a Rite to Varalies to automatically succeed on a saving throw.


Passive: Whenever you make a skill or ability check you may roll 1d4. If the roll is a 1 or a 4 add the result to your total, otherwise subtract it. 

Active: You may perform a Rite to Dalthys allowing you to expend 1 inspiration to re-roll any roll which you did not have disadvantage on. 


Passive: +1 Persuasion, +1 Insight

Active: You may perform a Rite to Khankara to increase your bonding level with an animal by 1.


Passive: +1 Medicine, +1 Toxicology, +1 Apothecary

Active: You perform a Rite to Arika over a treated wound. That wound will automatically heal at the end of the next long rest. 


Passive: 30 ft. Swim Speed, +1 Sailing

Active: You may perform a Rite that compels the wind and currents to favor you for 1 day.


Passive: +1 Navigation, +1 Survival

Active: You perform a Rite to Ephrios preserving a nearby corpse and preventing it from bring resurrected or animated through necromancy. 


Labeled a cult by some, Atrism  is the worship of The Etarian State and it's immortal matriarchal sovereign. It is the primary philosophy out of The Etarian but is not limited to it's boarders. Atrists (those who practice Atrism) rarely, if ever, declare themselves as such; it is a label applied by others. While it does not declare the sovereign a god, nor the government infallible, Atrism places the needs, objectives, and virtues of The Etarian above all others, even that of the self. 


The Followers of Havastra were a cult which accumulated power in the decades leading up to The Catastrophe. Seeking to replace the power vacuum left by the death of The Living Gods with their own astral deities, the followers of this religion worship the dragons of Havastra and seek to serve them in this life and beyond.


The Pantheon comes out of The Dominion of Audemn which, during it's conquests, incorporated the many varied gods of the lands it annexed. Those who recognize the pantheon may worship all, several, or a single pantheon deity. 


The central religion of Ammersol, this religions worshippers give veneration to the twin brothers Grixalis, The God of Destruction and Order, and Rurik, The God of Creation and Chaos. Worship of one or both is acceptable and often fluctuated depending on where a practitioner is over the course of their life. It's central theme is balance in ones life.