Personal Effects

Every character can hold one bag of "Personal Effects". This bag may contain up to five T(0.2) items without contributing towards a characters bulk.


Name: Ammo Containers

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Leatherworker

Description: This container holds ammunition for ranged weapons such as bolts, arrows, and bullets. This container can hold up to a 1d12 usage die. An Ammo Container may be fully refilled for the price of the ammunition or you may raise the value of your usage die one stage for 20% of the ammunitions cost or by crafting ammunition with the appropriate tools as part of a short or long rest.

Name: Ammunition

Price:  1 Silver Bulk: Usage (T, 0.2) Craft: Woodcarver

Description: Arrows, bullets, and bolts are used with a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with a weapon requiring ammunition (such as a bow) you must roll a usage die. Drawing an arrow from your Ammo Container is part of your attack (you must have one free hand to load the arrow). 

Vials and Flasks

Name: Vial

Price: 1 Silver  Bulk: T. 0.2 Craft: Glassblower

Description: A vial is a tiny glass container that can safely hold a single use of a liquid. If the vial is not broken when used it can be reused. A vial is filled for 20% of the cost of filling a flask or by crafting that liquid with the appropriate tools as part of a short or long rest.

Name: Flask

Price: 5 Silver  Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Glassblower/Blacksmith/Woodcarver

Description: A flask is a medium sized bottle (or other container) that can safely hold a large—but uncertain—amount of consumable potion (or other liquid). Unlike vials, it's always hard to tell exactly how much liquid remains inside a flask—you never quite know how many uses you'll get before it's all gone. A flask may be filled (1d12 usage) for 5x the price of an items single use value.

Pouches and Satchels

Name: Pouch

Price: 1 Silver  Bulk: T, 0.2 Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: A pouch is a tiny leather or cloth container that can safely hold a single use of an item. If the pouch is not broken when used it can be reused. A pouch is filled for 20% of the cost of filling a satchel or by crafting that item with the appropriate tools as part of a short or long rest.

Name: Satchel

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Leatherworking/Weaver

Description: A satchel is a medium sized bag (or other container) that can safely hold a large—but uncertain—amount of consumable non-liquid substances (such as sand or caltrops). Unlike pouches, it's always hard to tell exactly how much of a substance remains inside a Satchel—you never quite know how many uses you'll get before it's all gone. A Satchel may be filled (1d12 usage) for 5x the price of an items single use value.