A focus is a tool used by mages to cast or amplify their magic in the place of magical components. They are usually handheld items which are enchanted or created from magical materials. Foci do not allow their users to forgo all components, as some more valuable ones will still be required. Sorcerers do not require Foci to cast spells but may require valuable components.

Name: Focus, Large

Price: 100 Silver Slots: L, 3

Craft: Woodcarver/Enchanter

Description: An arcane focus is an item designed to channel the of arcane spells. A spellcaster can use such an item as a spellcasting focus. This item can be used in place of any material component which does not list a cost.

Focus Proficiency (Large): Whenever you expend a spell slot to cast a damaging spell with this focus, add your proficiency in damage to the roll. If the spell has a single target, double the damage bonus from this ability.

Name: Focus, Medium

Price: 100 Silver Slots: M, 2

Craft: Woodcarver/Enchanter

Description: An arcane focus is an item designed to channel the of arcane spells. A spellcaster can use such an item as a spellcasting focus. This item can be used in place of any material component which does not list a cost.

Focus Proficiency (Medium): Whenever you expend a spell slot to cast a damaging spell with this focus, add half of your proficiency (rounded down) in damage to the roll. If the spell has a single target, add your proficiency bonus instead.

Name: Focus, Small

Price: 50 Silver Slots: S, 1

Craft: Woodcarver/Enchanter

Description: An arcane focus is an item designed to channel the every of arcane spells. A spellcaster can use such an item as a spellcasting focus. This item can be used in place of any material component which does not list a cost.