Name: Game Set, Sport

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Various

Description: Games of physical contact and exertion are played for fun and for entertainment. These games are played by all ends of society and can sponsor large bets or be played as a fun way to let go at end the day. If you are proficient with this game set you may add your proficiency bonus to the Constitution/Strength ability checks you make to play.

Name: Game Set, Cards/Dice

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Various

Description: A game of risk and chance, dice and card games are played at the middle and bottom ends of society. These games are commonly played for money but can earn cred in the underworld where gambling is not legal. If you are proficient with this game set you may add your proficiency bonus to the Dexterity/Charisma ability checks you make to play.

Name: Game Set, Chess

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Various

Description: A game of intellect and strategy played by the higher ends of society, Chess is rarely played for money but is played for reputation and as a show of ones civility and status. If you are proficient with this game set you may add your proficiency bonus to the Intelligence/Wisdom ability checks you make to play.