Name: Travelers Shoes

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These shoes are meant for comfortable walks and long journeys. While wearing these shoes you do not have to roll stamina checks for walking lengths of time.

Name: Thieves Shoes

Price:10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These shoes are meant for quiet entrances and exits. While wearing these shoes you may add +1 to stealth checks for movement.

Name: Dancing Shoes

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These shoes are elegant and designed for dance. While wearing these shoes you may add +1 to performance checks for dancing.

Name: Smugglers Boots

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These boots may conceal any  single tiny (T, 0.2) item. Concealed items still count against your total bulk.

Name: Assassins Boots

Price: 20 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These boots may conceal any  single small (S, 1) weapon. Concealed items still count against your total bulk.

Name: Spurred Boots

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These boots are hardy and affixed with spurs. While wearing these boots you may add +1 to any animal handling checks for riding.

Name: Flippers

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These long and flexible shoes are made to increase mobility in the water. While wearing flippers your movement speed in water is increased by 5 ft. and you may add +1 to any athletics checks for swimming.

Name: Climbers Boots

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: These boots have well made grips. While wearing these boots you may ad +1 to any athletics or acrobatics checks for climbing or slipping.

Name: Snow Shoes

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Cobbler

Description: A netting affixed to a sturdy boot which allow you to travel normally over icy and showy terrain. While wearing these shoes you ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow.