
Alchemist Tools enable a character to produce useful concoctions, such as acid, black powder, and alchemist's fire. They consist of glass beakers, metal frames to hold beakers and vials over open flame, a stirring rod, mortal and pestle, and some common alchemical additives such as water, salt, and powdered iron. Alchemists differ from apothecaries and toxicologists in that their approach to problem solving does not involve employ the use of magic but rather the creative combination of measured chemicals.

Price: 50 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Apothecary Tools enable a character to produce potions such as healing potions, endurance potions, and potions of resistance. They consist of a small caldron, mortal and pestle, vials, and some common apothecarial additives such as water, honey, sap, and blood. Apothecaries differ from toxicologists in that their creations hold strong magical properties and generally have beneficial outcomes.

Price: 50 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Blacksmith Tools enable a character to work metal, heating it to alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw materials into useful items. The consist of hammers, tongs, charcoal, rags, and a whetstone.

Price: 20 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Brewer Tools enables a character to craft beer, spirits, wine, and purified water. Crafting beers, wine, and spirits can take days or weeks to ferment but only a few hours of work. Brewer Tools consist of a large jug, a siphon, several feet of tubing, and a few small casks.

Price: 20 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Calligraphy treats writing as a delicate, beautiful art. Calligraphers produce text that is pleasing to the eys, using a style that is difficult to forge. Their supplies also give them some ability to examine script and determine if they are legitimate, since a calligrapher's training involves long hours of studying writing and attempting to replicate its style and design. Calligrapher Tools include ink, paper, and fountain pens or quills.

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Carpenter Tools enables a character to construct large and sturdy wooden structures. A carpenter can build a house, a cabin, a cart, a boat or any similar items. Carpentry is distinguished from Woodcarving in scale, detail, and strength. Carpenter Tools include a saw, hammer, nails, a ruler, a sanding tool, and a chisel. 

Price: 8 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Cartographer Tools can create accurate maps to make travel easier for you and those who come after you. These maps can range from large-scale depictions of mountain ranges to diagrams that show the layout of a dungeon level. Cartographer Tools consist of quill, ink, parchment, a ruler, and basic navigation tools.

Price: 15 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Although the cobbler's trade might seem too humble for an adventurer, a good pair of boots will see a character across rugged wilderness and through deadly dungeons. Cobblers tools consist of a small hammer, an awl, a knife, and a stand.

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Adventuring is a hard life. With a cook along on the journey, your meals will be better than the typical mix of hardtack and dried fruit. Cook Tools include utinsils, a metal pot, a ladle, and a stirring spoon.

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Enchanter Tools enables a character to bestow and remove magic effects from items such as clothing, weapons, and other gear as well as creating foci. Enchanting an item can take considerable time and expenses and is a rare trade. Enchanter Tools consist of a focus of the enchanters preference, charcoal, ritual herbs, spices, metals, or oils, cloth and an engraving knife.

Price: 25 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Farrier Tools enables a character to help, train, and maintain animals - particularly mounts, pack animals, and other large creatures. A farrier tools consist of horseshoes, clippers, and brushes.

Price: 20 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Glassblower Tools enable a player to shape glass and to known specialized knowledge of the methods used to produce glass objects. The tools incluse a blowpipe, a small marver, blocks, tweezers, and a grindstone.

Price: 30 Silver Bulk: M, 2


A set of Herbalism Tools allows you to identify plants, safely collect, and preserve their elements. They also allow you to spend time collecting valuable spell components. The tools includes pouches to store herbs, clippers, gloves, a mortal and pestle, and several glass jars and vials. 

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Training with Jeweler's Tools includes the basic techniques needed to beautify, craft, and appraise gems and jewelry. It also gives a working knowledge of precious stones. Jewelers Tools consist of a small saw, a hammer, pliers, tweezers, and a polishing cloth.

Price: 25 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Knowledge of leatherworking extends to lore concerning the hides of animals and their properties. It also confers knowledge of leather armor and similar goods. Leatherworker tools allow you to harvest and manipulate animal materials such as hide, bone, and feathers. A set of leatherworker tools includes a sharp blade, a small mallet, a small rack, and an edger.

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Mason Tools allow you to craft, repair, and maintain stone structures including walls and buildings. Additionally, these tools will allow you to atempt finding weaknesses or secrets within stone structures. Mason Tools include a trowel, a hammer, a chisel, brushes, and a mold.

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Navigators tools help you determine the your location based on observing the stars. It also grants insight into charts and maps to help develop a sense of direction. Additionally, you may be able to tell the current date by using the stars and coronet. Navigators tools include a sextant, a compass, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill. 

Price:  25 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Proficiency with painter's supplies represents your ability to paint and draw. You also acquire and understanding of art history which can aid you in examining works of art. Painter's supplies include an easel, canvas, paints, brushing, charcoal, sticks, and a palette.

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Potter's tools are used to create a variety of ceramic objects, most typically pots, urns, and similar vessels. Potter's tools include potters needles, ribs, scrapers, a knife, and calipers.

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: M, 2


Commonly used by criminals and adventurers, thieves' tools are designed for picking locks, disarming traps, and otherwise getting around minor barriers of entry and impediments. Thieves' tools include a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a narrow set of scissors, and a pair of pliers.

Price: 25 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Tinkerer Tools are  a set of tools designed to repair many objects requiring precise or mechanical components. Tinkerer Tools include a variety of hand tools, small tweezers, a needle, thread, oil, and a polishing cloth. 

Price: 50 Silver Bulk: S, 1


A toxicologist's kit is a resource used by doctors and other medical practitioners to create remedies to counteract venoms and toxins. These kits can also be used to create, distill, or extract venoms and toxins for more nefarious purposes. Toxicologists tools include glass vials, a mortal and pestle, chemicals, distiller, cloths, and a glass stirring rod.

Price: 50 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Weavers Tools allow you to create cloth and tailor it into articles of clothing, bandages, netting, and other such objects. Weavers Tools include threat, a needle, scraps of cloth, and a small loom.

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1


Woodcarver Tools allow you to craft and repair small and detailed wooden objects such as arrows, clubs, and toys. Woodcarvers Tools include a carving knife, a gouge, a small saw, and a sander.

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1