Lifestyle and Resources

As part of a Long Rest, players face a crucial decision during their week away from adventuring: selecting a lifestyle. The quality of this chosen lifestyle directly influences the starting state of their Survival Conditions, encompassing Hunger, Thirst, and Fatigue. Each lifestyle level corresponds to a monetary value, with higher quality lifestyles demanding greater expenditure. Investing more results in better Survival Conditions, ultimately affording players an easier time tackling difficult tasks and enduring the rigors of adventure for longer periods. Challenges, trials, hardships, misteps, Critical Failures, and Costs of Success encountered throughout the game may tax these Survival Conditions which will eventually end in one or more stages of Exhaustion if players are not careful. These lifestyles also correspond do the number of available Hit Dice a character has at their disposal at the start of an adventure, as well as their starting Hit Points.