Primary Activities

Primary activities can only be done as part of a Long Rest and will take up most of your characters time during that rest. Each primary activity requires 3 checks related to that activity with increasing Rewards and Difficulty Checks for each success. If a character fails a check, they may make another attempt at the same DC by using one of thier remaining rolls. A character must pass each DC before progressing to the next but may not make more than three rolls in total. The Primary Activites are (but are not limited to) the following:

Carouse and Socialize

Attending parties, drinking, gambing, volunteer work, and other social activies will allow you to mingle and meet people in the city. Carousing depends largely on your lifestyle as socializing with nobles and urchins will have differing costs and rewards. Successfully Carousing and Socializing will reward you with Connection Tokens. These can be expended in exchange for allied NPC's, information contacts, bribes/favors, or known exotic merchants. Additional tokens can be expended in exchange for debts and favors from discovered NPC's.

One Success: You gain one connection token.

Two Successes: You gain one connection token.

Three Successes: You gain one connection token.


A character who wishes to start or continue a creative project to use, gift, or sell may craft an item as a Primary Activity. Successful Crafting will allow you to contribute more value to your items, increasing the rate at which they are completed. Increased rewards replace previous tiers and are not additive. The value contributed may not exceed the value of the item.

Additional details on crafting can be found here.

One Success: Contribute a number of d4 gold equal to your proficiency bonus paying/supplying half the cost.

Two Successes: Contribute a number of d6 gold equal to your proficiency bonus paying/supplying half the cost.

Three Successes: Contribute a number of d8 gold equal to your proficiency bonus paying/supplying half the cost.

Criminal Activity

A character who wishes earn more coin than an honest days work can provide can engage in criminal activities. With greater rewards come greater risk and failures may result in penalties or punishments.

One Success: You make a contact in the city who offers you a lucrative job.

Two Successes: You are successful in performing the minimal requirements of the job. Moderate payout.

Three Successes: You are successful in performing the most challenging requirements of the job. Large payout and gain one connection token.


Characters may learn an additional number of instruments, languages, and tools equal to their proficiency bonus. Training requires finding the proper book, classes, or mentor. This may require a monitary investment outside of your selected lifestyle. To fully train a skill it will require a number of trainings equal to your proficiency bonus (starting the first time the skill is trained). You may also recieve proficiency tokens as a result of this activity. These are one-time-use proficiency bonuses.

One Success: Increase your training for the relevant proficiency by 1.

Two Successes: Gain 1 proficiency token for the relevant proficiency. 

Three Successes: Increase your training for the relevant proficiency by an additional 1.

Perform Service

Spreading the word of your god, acting on their behalf, or simply taking action they favor will earn you unique boons from your chosen diety. Keep in mind local laws concerning the practice of religion. 

One Success: Lower the cost of your Lifestyle one stage or gain one connection token.

Two Successes: Gain the boon of your chosen diety.

Three Successes: Remove all accumulated Dread from a player.


Learning information about any subject of interest. This can be local legends, persons of interest, or any other information reasonably attainable through study or investigation.

One Success: Gain access to a person, location, or other means to gain knowledge on the subject your interest.

Two Successes: You obtain a deeper knowledge or gain insight into the subject of your interest.

Three Successes: You learn any secrets, solve mysteries, or contribute to the subject of your interst. If this information would not be available where you are, you learn how or where you can easily access it.


If a jouney has been exceptionally difficult, resting will ensure you are ready for the roads ahead.

No Roll Required. Recover from all exhaustion, heal all wounds, recover all Hit Dice (regardless of lifestyle). 

Work for Coin

A character may want (or need) to supplement their income in times where coin is in short supply. Wages are decent for smart and able-bodied people and work is usually easy to find in places where people are.

One Success: Gain a number of d6 copper equal to your proficiency bonus.

Two Successes: Gain a number of d6 silver equal to your proficiency bonus.

Three Successes: Gain a number of d6 gold equal to your proficiency bonus.