The Siege of Mabel Maris: Summary

The Siege of Mabel Maris is set in the trade city-state of Mabel Maris, located between the Kingdom of Tane and the Kingdom of The Vyserage. The story begins with The Vyserage's unprovoked war against Tane in an expansionist attempt to conquer it's fertile lands. The city of Mabel Maris marked the borders and was the first target of this incursion. The city's subsequent fall marked the start of a time known as The Catastrophe of The Old World, a thirty-year period of turmoil across the world.

The campaign follow a band of nobodies turned adventurers who came to be known as "The Lucky Few" who eventually managed to escape the city before it's fall. The party consisted of Thatcher-Beckett, a humble cabbage peddler who made a fateful deal with a devil-like patron; Zed, a young urchin whose helpfulness turned to betrayal; Lasher, a Dwarf whose grappling with alcoholism and a troubled past earned him the moniker "Sloshed"; Phineas, a street performer and trickers mage with a knack for fortune-telling; Keth, a survival-driven assassin from the undercroft; and Haydenton, a lawful paladin compelled to compromise his principles and his identity in order to protect his friends.

This group was determined to save the city but when the fall became imminent, they turned to plan an escape. They formed and broke alliances with various factions including stalwart guards, an emerging cult with control of the city's food supply, extortionist gangsters who rule by force, and the subterranean Drow who dwelled below the city and faced threats of their own. Faced with the choice of getting only a few out guaranteed or many out at some risk, The Lucky Few betrayed their name and took a risk which paid off. Through their efforts, the party managed to secure an escape not only for themselves but for a significant number of the citizens. Now refugees, the party escorted this caravan of displaced innocents South, through the Free Kingdoms and to The Etarian where they were given asylum.

The campaign encompasses themes of the ethical cost of survival in extreme circumstances, loyalty and betrayal, the high price of heroism, power imbalances, and ultimately sacrifice. It showcases the harrowing journey of a few lucky nobodies who answered the call, became heroes, and eventually paid the ultimate price.