
Atrism, once known as Etarianism before its reformation three centuries ago, represents more than a mere system of faith or an explaination for the world. It straddles the often-blurred line between religion and statecraft, an embodiment of the immutable and at times, contentious duality of power through faith and power through politics. This intertwining has led some to brand it as a cult, an interpretation as intriguing as it is polarizing.

The central entity in Atrism isn’t a traditional deity, but the nation-state itself - The Etarian - as well as its ageless sovereign, Atrigat. Atrigat, an Inevitable, symbolizes the immutable essence of Order—discipline, structure, justice, authoritarianism, efficiency, and calculus. This unique construction positions Atrism as more than a mere religion; it is a creed of patriotism and undying loyalty. The practitioners, known as Atrists, may recognize other gods or no gods at all, but their unwavering allegiance to the state reigns supreme, a testament to their steadfast belief in a form of collective salvation. Personal beleifs are tolerated and even encouraged provided that they do not interfere with ones devotion to The Etarian and it's Queen.

Central to Atrist practice is a sacred artifact, a mask linked to its wearer through potent magic—Aegis Persona. Also known as The Mask of Countenance, the mask’s journey begins as a porcelain white, a "tabula rasa" or (blank slate) reflecting the new innocence and rebirth of new citizens and converts (migrants). But as time passes, the Aegis Persona transforms. Intricate patterns, designs, and pictograms emerge, tracing the evolution of the wearer’s life, actions, and faith. This personal iconography is a living testament to the wearer’s deeds and intentions serving as a visual narrative recounting their lives story, their status as a citizen, their spiritual evolution, and perhaps most importantly, their loyalty to Her Majesty.

The Aegis Persona is an epitome of transparency and accountability. The mask ensures that both one’s actions and intentions do not go unnoticed, thereby promoting a sense of responsibility at all times and in all places. As an Atrist, to meet a fellow Atrist for the first time is to know everything about them from their work ethic, their honestly, and their faith, to their profession, their heretage, and their military service. These masks also serve as a symbolic barrier, separating the individual self from the collective whole. By donning the mask, the Atrists embody their resignation as a "self" and embrance their role as part of a community unlike any other.

While Atrism ensures unity and allegiance, it also presents inherent risks. The intimate link between faith and state blurs the boundary between religious fervor and political control. One’s actions are openly displayed on the Aegis Persona, leaving little room for privacy, secrecy, or personal autonomy. Mistakes, failures, and lies are never forgotten and are worn forever as a brand of shame upon the face; It is said that to tell a lie is to forever be a liar and to steal is to forever be a theif. Inversely ones honesty, victories, and willingness to sacrifice will forever be worn as badges of honor. It is not a balancing act, however. Lies and truth, success and failure, obediance and defiance all are displayed as a timeline with no marking of a good act is removed by the addition of a bad one, nor the inverse. 

The sacrifice of individuality, privacy, and freedom in exchange for purpose, power, and for the perceived greater good is a price that every Atrist must willingly pay. Migrants to The Etarian pay this price for a chance to live in paradise, to start over, and to serve a living goddess, while the young born within it's borders make this choice as they come of age. Regardless of the repulsion of outsiders to Atrists, the draw of purpose, security, and community The Etarian, Atrigat, and Atrism makes remains a powerful force throughout the world.