
Havastrism is a relatively young religion that emerged near the end of The Age of Living Gods, birthed by a fanatical cult of rogue mages, alchemists, and scholars. The followers of this faith, known as Hastrites, hold a profound belief that the "gods" do not hail from celestial realms but originate from distant worlds or realms and are not actual gods but superior beings. According to their sacred lore, the founders of Havastrism received plans for a divine mechanism, blueprints detailing the construction of a device known as The Aperture of Havastra. This enigmatic device is said to serve as a gateway between realms, acting as a conduit that connects Ascalen, the mortal world, to Havastra (also known as Drah), the living realm of these superior beings.

In Ascalen, dragons exist as creatures akin to intelligent animals, lacking the civilization and full creative potential of humanity. However, the Hastrites speak of a mythical realm called Havastra, where powerful beings known as Dra'Kin (Translated to Children of Havastra) reside. These majestic beings are not just ordinary dragons; they are incredibly potent and versatile shape-shifters with magical and physical abilities beyond mortal comprehension. In the eyes of the Hastrites, these Dra'Kin - or Ancient Dragons - would and should be revered as gods if they were to manifest themselves in Ascalen.

Central to Havastrism is the fervent desire to bridge the gap between worlds and serve the Dra'Kin, seeking dominion over their fellow mortals as a reward for their service. To serve Havastra and her children is to rise above your fellow mortal kin and as a result take dominion over them. They envision a future where they wield immense power and influence, guided by the wisdom and might of the Dra'Kin.

As the religion gained momentum, the Hastrites sought to unlock the secrets of The Aperture, delving into arcane studies and ancient occult texts. They conducted rituals and sacrifices, attempting to establish contact with Havastra and the Dra'Kin. However, their pursuit is not without opposition, as other factions in the realm of Ascalen view their fanaticism with suspicion and fear. Most notable amongst these factions was The Etarian Empire whose sovereign Atrigat made great efforts to eliminate the cult through whatever means neccesary.

The rise of Havastrism ignited a series of conflicts, escalading to the events of The Catastrophe of The Old World. While it is widely believed that at the height of their power they failed in their endevors, retreating to the shadows after their defeat by the Heroes of the Old World, some have questioned whether this secretive and powerful cult has truly faded into obscurity or if they are simply biding their time and waiting for the nations of the world to be distracted once again.