Name: Abacus

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Tinkerer/Woodcarver

Description: A standard tool used to make calculations. This item is required for activities which involve the running of a business.

Name: Ammo Container

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Leatherworker

Description: This container holds ammunition for ranged weapons such as bolts, arrows, and bullets. This container can hold up to a 1d12 usage die. An Ammo Container may be fully refilled for the price of the ammunition or you may raise the value of your usage die one stage for 20% of the ammunitions cost or by crafting ammunition with the appropriate tools as part of a short or long rest.

Name: Ammunition

Price:  1 Silver Bulk: Usage (T, 0.2) Craft: Woodcarver

Description: Arrows, bullets, and bolts are used with a weapon that has the ammunition property to make a ranged attack. Each time you attack with a weapon requiring ammunition (such as a bow) you must roll a usage die. Drawing an arrow from your Ammo Container is part of your attack (you must have one free hand to load the arrow). 

Name: Bedroll

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: You never know where you’re going to sleep, and a bedroll helps you get better sleep in a hayloft or on the cold ground. A bedroll consists of bedding and a blanket thin enough to be rolled up and tied. In an emergency, it can double as a stretcher.

Name: Blanket

Price: 5 Copper Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Weaver

Description: A thick, quilted, blanket made to keep you warm in cold weather. Sleeping without a blanket may be more difficult or impossible in harsh conditions and may prevent the effects of the cold.

Name: Block and Tackle

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Woodcarver/Carpenter

Description: A set of pulleys with a cable threaded through them and a hook to attach to objects. A block and tackle allows you to hoist up to four times the weight you could regularly lift.

Name: Chain (10 ft.)

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: A chain has 10 hit points and can be broken with a DC 20 Strength Check.

Name: Climbers Gear

Price: 25 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Leatherworker/Blacksmith

Description: A climbers kit includes special boot tips, gloves, a harness, and clasps for climbing vertical surfaces. You may use your action to anchor yourself to a sturdy object, such as a piton, using a rope. When you do you cannot fall or climb more than half the ropes length from the point where you've anchored yourself. You may disconnect the rope and set a new anchor as an action but you may not retrieve anchor pitons this way.

Name: Clothes

Name: Crowbar

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: Using a crowbar grants advantage to strength checks where leverage can be applied.

Name: Games

Name: Grappling Hook

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: When tied to the end of a rope, a grappling hook can secure the rope to a battlement, window ledge, tree limb, or other protrusion.

Name: Hammer

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: This one-handed hammer has an iron head and is useful for tasks such as pounding pitons into a wall. A hammer allows you to maintain minor damage to armor. With a hammer you may repair any armor you would be able to repair with blacksmithing tools adding your Strength modifier to the roll. You cannot repair weapons with a hammer. You cannot improve the quality of an item with a hammer.

Name: Hammer, Sledge

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: L, 3 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: This two-handed hammer is useful for breaking down and breaking open objects such as crates, wagons, locks, and chests. Using a sledge hammer grants advantage to strength checks where blunt force can be applied.

Name: Hourglass

Price: 25 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Glassblower

Description: A tool required to accurately track the passage of time.

Name: Hunting Trap

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith/Tinkerer

Description: This trap forms a saw-toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap can be is affixed by a heavy chain or rope to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. Whenever a creature triggers the trap make a saving attack of +5 against the creatures Dexterity Save DC. On a success the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage and cannot move move. A creature may attempt to free itself from this trap as an action on it's turn. When it does, make a saving attack of +5 against the creatures Strength Save DC. A creature who failed this save takes an additional 1d4 piercing.

Name: Ladder (10 ft.)

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: XL, 6 Craft: Carpenter

Description: A 10 ft. ladder. Helpful for getting over 10 ft. walls or reaching things that are just more than 10 ft. high.

Name: Lantern

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith/Glassblower

Description: A lantern burns for one hour, providing bright light for 30 ft. and dim light for an additional 30 ft. After each hour you must apply one use of oil to the lantern or it will go out.

Name: Lock

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith/Tinkerer

Description: A key is provided with the lock. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick a basic lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.

Name: Magnifying Glass

Price: 100 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Glassblower

Description: This lenses allows a closer look at small objects. It is also useful as a substitute for flint and steel when starting fires. Lighting a fire with a magnifying glass requires sunlight. This object may be required to for certain tasks such as appraisal of small or detailed objects, or inspection of subtle details on an objects such as a map.

Name: Manacles

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith/Tinkerer

Description: These metal restraints can bind a Small or Medium creature. Escaping the manacles requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check or a saving attack of +12 against a creatures Dexterity Save. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20 Strength check or a saving attack of +12 against a creatures Strength Save. Each set of manacles comes with one key. Without the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the manacles' lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.

Name: Merchant Scale

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: A scale includes a small balance, pans, and a suitable assortment of weights up to 2 pounds. With it, you can measure the exact weight of small objects, such as raw precious metals or trade goods, to help determine their worth. Weights can be easily adjusted to match The Astrikan Standard at any bank.

Name: Parchment/Paper

Price: 2 Copper Bulk: T, 0.2 Craft: NA

Description: A single piece of paper or parchment used for writing, painting, and other forms of art and communication. Made from either the thin skin of an animal or fine cloth fibers.

Name: Personal Effects

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: Within lays the items valuable to your person. Personal trinkets, hygienic supplies, and toys. This bad holds your vices such as tobacco, spirits, pipes, and other objects. Designed to hold any combination of up to 5 Tiny (T, 0.2) items as well as any personal items which express your character but have no other purpose.

Name: Piton/Spikes

Price: 1 Copper Bulk: T, 0.2 Craft: Blacksmith

Description: Required to climb surfaces that do not have stable footholds. Each piton has a loop from which you can use a rope or clasp your climbers gear.

Name: Portable Ram

Price: 5 Silver Bulk: XL, 6 Craft: Carpentry

Description: You can use a portable ram to break down door. When doing so you gain a +4 bonus on any strength checks. Another character may freely help and grant advantage to the roll.

Name: Rope, Hempen (50 ft.)

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: M, 2 Craft: Weaver

Description: Rope can be used in a multitude of ways. It has 2 Hit Points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check or by making a saving attack of +9 against a creatures Strength Save DC.

Name: Rope, Silk (50 ft.)

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Weaver

Description: Rope can be used in a multitude of ways. It has 2 Hit Points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check or by making a saving attack of +9 against a creatures Strength Save DC.

Name: Shoes

Name: Shovel

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: L, 3 Craft: Woodworker/Carpenter/Blacksmith

Description: A shovel is required for digging.

Name: Spyglass

Price: 100 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Glassblower/Tinkerer

Description: Distant objects viewed through a spyglass are magnified to twice their size. This object is required to do accurate navigation on large open terrain without clear landmarks such as desserts, plains, and the sea.

Name: Tent, One-Person

Price: 2 Silver Bulk: S, 1

Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: A simple and portable canvas shelter that sleeps one and provides protection from the wind and rain. Sleeping without a tent may be more difficult or impossible in harsh conditions.

Name: Tent, Two-Person

Price: 10 Silver Bulk: M, 2

Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: A simple and portable canvas shelter that sleeps two and provides protection from the wind and rain. Sleeping without a tent may be more difficult or impossible in harsh conditions.

Name: Tent, Three-Person

Price: 20 Silver Bulk: L, 3

Craft: Leatherworker/Weaver

Description: A simple and portable canvas shelter sleeps three and provides protection from the wind and rain. Sleeping without a tent may be more difficult or impossible in harsh conditions.

Name: Torch

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft:  Weaver/Carpenter

Description: A torch burns for one hour, providing bright light for 20 ft. and dim light for an additional 20 ft. After each hour you must apply one use of oil to the torch or it will go out. If you attack a creature with the torch and hit it does 1 fire damage. If the torch touches the ground, it's flame will go out after 1 round.

Name: Whetstone

Price: 1 Silver Bulk: S, 1 Craft: Mason

Description: A whetstone allows you to maintain minor damage to weapons. With a whetstone you may repair any weapons you would be able to repair with blacksmithing tools adding your strength modifier to the roll. You cannot repair armor with a whetstone. You cannot improve the quality of an item with a whetstone.